RepBands – How Resistance Bands Enhance Physical Therapy

Jun 14th, 2024
man using repbands

Physical conditions and injury can reduce quality of life. Daily activities such as dressing, grooming, and household chores require coordination and strength, and resistance bands add gentle resistance for improving muscles over time. 

This article will explore resistance bands, their uses, and how rehabilitation centres and health professionals can support patient rehabilitation in balance, muscle strength and daily functioning. After all, it is important to prioritise health and well-being after an injury.

Benefits of Resistance Bands in Physical Therapy

woman using repbands

Resistance bands can strengthen bones and muscles without whole-body movement, and this is especially important for individuals suffering from a recent injury. RepBands protect the body against fractures, degenerative injuries, and fall risks, so let’s explore their many benefits.

1. Improved range of motion

Resistance bands offer controlled stretching and strengthening exercises for joint flexibility. This gradual resistance allows patients to work on their range of motion safely and strategically.

2. Enhanced strength training

Rep bands boost strength over time. In this 2020 study, researchers found 17 male soccer players improved their power and strength using resistance band training over six weeks. 

Available in many different resistance levels, bands allow physical therapists to customise resistance levels based on the patient’s current abilities. A challenge can be gradually increased as a patient progresses in their recovery.

3. Increased flexibility and mobility

Resistance bands support mobility and flexibility in patients with physical therapy routines. According to this 2019 study, 23 rugby players supported their flexibility and range of motion using resistance bands in a 5-week training program. 

Dynamic stretching exercises target specific muscle groups, helping patients regain movement and agility.

4. Targeting specific muscle groups

With a targeted approach to specific muscle groups, a physical therapist can use resistance bands to strengthen muscles that have weakened or atrophied due to surgery, injury, or prolonged immobility. 

Likewise, RepBands can activate muscles and mimic movements from sports. A tennis player can mimic their backhand stroke by fixing the rep band to hip height on the left side, reaching with their right arm, gripping the band, and pulling it back across. RepBands and the correct therapy can help many athletes return to the game.

5. Improves balance

Balance is critical to preventing injury, particularly in older people who can become weaker due to ageing. In this small study, a conditioning exercise was applied to a group of elderly people for 40 minutes per session five times a week for four weeks. 

Exercising scapular adduction with resistance elastic bands improved the experimental group’s physical function, balance, and quality of life.

Types of Resistance Bands Used in Physical Therapy

Used for strengthening programs, rehabilitating muscle or joint injuries, or aerobic exercise programs, let’s explore some of the common types of resistance bands available.

RepBand Latex Free – 5.5M – All Levels


With this rep band option, physical therapists can purchase fewer rep bands. These resistance bands have zero latex, are engineered with co-polymer, have no powder or rubber smell, provide consistent linear resistance, can be used in hydrotherapy pools, and do not break down over time.

RepBand Latex Free – 45M – All Levels


With various resistances to choose from and supporting all therapy levels, these RepBands are latex-free, BPA-free, gluten-free, and made in the USA. Easy to use, the desired length of the band is pulled and cut. They offer five graduated levels of resistance for patients, allowing for the slow intensity increase in rehabilitation exercises.

Rep Tubing Latex Free – 7.6M – Various Colours and Levels


These resistance tube bands are essential for rehabilitating muscle and joint injuries, strengthening muscles and increasing endurance. 

Patients can use these bands to begin at an appropriate resistance level, upping the intensity by choosing a higher band resistance level. It is a great option for aquatic rehabilitation and is latex and powder-free.

TheraBand Resistance Exercise Band 45.5M – All Levels


TheraBands are endorsed by the American Physical Therapy Association. They can provide a positive and negative force on muscles, supporting a range of motion, strength, and flexibility.

Colour-coded, TheraBand allows physical therapists to document progress from one level to the next. These are cost-effective options that are versatile, portable, and have unlimited uses for rehabilitation.

Rep Putty 2.5KG – All Levels


Rep Putty helps build patient hand strength when fingers and hand muscles are weak, and it doesn’t stick, stain, or break when used. Non-toxic and made with no latex, Rep Putty is colour-coded with a different consistency.

Physical therapists can make use of 4 levels with different resistances. Peach is extra soft, Orange is soft, Green is medium, and Blue is firm. 

Want to learn more about accessing healthcare supplies and their benefits for patient care? Have a look at exploring the benefits of rehab stairs in physical therapy.

Choosing the Right Level of Resistance for Physical Therapy

Rep bands resistance levels

With resistance band exercises, the fitness routines will depend on the patient’s current fitness level. What should a physical therapist or healthcare professional consider when implementing resistance band exercises in a patient’s recovery program?

Start with low-resistance

When using a therapy band, rehabilitation professionals should begin with a lower resistance level. This applies to patients in the first stages of recovery or with physical limitations, as it provides familiarity with an exercise routine and proper form and minimises the risk of injury or over-exertion.

Progress resistance as strength increases

Resistance levels can gradually increase as a patient’s endurance and strength improve. This increase stimulates muscle growth, promoting a steady recovery.

Monitor pain and discomfort

To ensure the effectiveness of the resistance band, it’s crucial to monitor any signs of discomfort or pain. If an exercise causes pain, the resistance level could be too high, or the movement may not be suitable for a patient’s stage of recovery. If discomfort occurs, consider opting for a lighter resistance or switching to a different exercise, depending on what is causing the pain.

Balance challenge and safety

Balancing the challenge and safety benefits of the recovery process is essential. The resistance level must provide enough challenge to stimulate muscle engagement and growth but never compromise proper form or increase the risk of strain or injury.

Access Health – Reliable Rehabilitation Suppliers

At Access Health, we understand the healthcare industry’s need for quality medical equipment, especially resistance bands for patients in need of support.

Established in 1978, we’re a trustworthy supplier and distributor, certified by the International Quality Standard. As trustworthy Australian distributors for the EquaGel Pressure Cushion, Airex, Plinth UK Medical Couches, Repband Exercise Bands, and more, contact us today for quality you can rely on. We aim to help improve the quality of life for all patients.

Disclaimer: Access Health is not qualified to agree or deny whether this content is correct. For accurate information, consult your medical professional or provider.

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